Keep Your Site’s Security Top of Mind in 2018!

December 29, 2017

Your company’s security – both online and in the real world – is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. More and more, companies need to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats, vulnerable plugins, and more. According to IBM’s 2017 Cost of Data Breach Study, the companies in their study had a 1.8% increase in data breaches – more than 24,000 records being breached.

If you’re looking for peace of mind on keeping your website secure, here are a few crucial tips:

Do regular updates on your plugins.

Plugins can become vulnerable to security threats in many ways and the best way to prevent this is to keep them regularly updated. One thing to always be vigilant of are plugins known for having “backdoors” in their code. These malicious snippets of code in a plugin allow hackers to gain control of a site through a plugin.

Keep up with the latest news.

Check out blogs like Wordfence for updates on plugin vulnerabilities and be sure to do your research on suspect emails, plugins, or downloads. If you believe your website may be vulnerable to one of these threats, delete the plugin in question from the website then contact a trusted web development team right away.

Keep your passwords secure.

Store passwords in a secure location – that means not on a post-it note. Tools like Keeweb can manage your passwords while keeping them secure. It’s also crucial to make passwords unique; using “password” or “12345” for your password make it just too easy for hackers to get in to your account. And be aware of phishing scams – those emails saying you need to provide your password or other sensitive information, usually as a “safety measure”. Always verify information directly through a website, not through a suspicious email link.

Have a plan in place.

Be prepared with a plan in the event of a data breach or cybersecurity threat to your company.

If regular upkeep and research seems daunting to you, talk to the experts at Brandography about their Guardography program. Guardography offers site maintenance and regular updates to ensure your site is running – and running safely – and grant you peace of mind.

And to keep things secure in the analog world? Brandography’s Site Security App is an app that provides a streamlined process for security and surveying industries to ensure large companies are recording and distributing information about potential security weaknesses.

For more information about Guardography, our Site Security App, or your custom security needs, contact Brandography today!

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