Get on board with mobile or get out. -Google

March 18, 2015

It's time to make mobile experience a priority.
It’s time to make mobile experience a priority.

It’s no secret that Google’s dominance over other search engines (Bing,, etc.) can largely be attributed to their prioritization of the searcher experience. Their genius approach is simple: provide better quality and more accurate search results to gain users’ trust. In order to achieve this, Google is constantly adjusting their search algorithms to provide the best results for every search. However, every now and then they release a major algorithm update that significantly impacts SEO and forces websites to adjust to their new requirements.

On April 21st, Google plans to release a new update to their search algorithms that will begin prioritizing mobile within their searches. What does this mean? It means that if your website is not optimized for mobile viewing it could lose visibility on Google SERPs altogether. Since Google does not currently have separate mobile and desktop indexes, a penalized mobile site may also be penalized on desktop as well.

With more and more people using tablets and phones to access the Internet, this is just the next example of Google prioritizing user experience. On its official Webmaster blog, Google wrote that as a result of this update users will find it easier to get relevant, high-quality search results that are optimized for their devices.”

How to Know if Your Page is Mobile Friendly…

  • Avoid software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
  • Text is readable without zooming
  • Content fits screen so users don’t have to zoom or scroll horizontally
  • Links are placed far enough apart so they can be easily tapped on a small screen

Beyond this update, optimizing every page of your website for mobile traffic should be essential. It gives your business credibility and ensures that users receive a consistent experience with your business no matter the platform.

If your website isn’t mobile friendly, the web developers at Brandography have got your back. We’ll work with you to create a functional and beautiful mobile design for your website. Contact Brandography today before Google’s next algorithm update!


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